Know a person's basic characteristics by using 12 zodiac signs

12 zodiac signs

There are 12 zodiac signs. Each of the signs has its own strength and weaknesses. In this article you will learn about these 12 zodiac signs which give you a glimpse of a person’s basic characteristics.

Aries (21 March - 20 April)

Aries astrology traits include leadership, initiative, fearlessness and a strong sense of self-belief. They are not afraid to speak up for what they believe. Aries become angry and anxious when they suppress their emotions, percolating with intense energy. This is a sign that needs to let it out.

Taurus (21 April - 21 May)

Taurus astrology traits include patience and organization, and being supportive, romantic, careful and dedicated. They are not afraid to take their time in order to get the job done properly. Taurus people are determined, driven and known for their stubborn streaks.

Gemini (22 May - 21 June)

Gemini astrology traits include fascination, originality, resourcefulness, charming, wise and adventurous. They are not afraid to speak up for what they believe in, either. Gemini becomes depressed when they are unable to express their complex emotions. This is a sign that needs a trusted sounding board to let it all out.

Cancer (22 June - 22 July)

Cancer astrology traits include being helpful, patient, compassionate, nurturing, romantic and creative. They throw intimate dinner parties, as they love nothing more than sharing a good home cooked meal with their closest friends. Cancer can be too much of a people pleaser and caregiver at times, tending to everyone else’s needs but their own.

Leo (23 July - 23 August)

Leo astrology traits include being courageous, kind, generous, loyal, protective, nakedly honest and entertaining. They are not afraid to let their true essence shine in the sun, which is also their planetary ruler. Leo energy leaves others feeling awakened and revitalized in an empowering way.

Virgo (24 August - 22 September )

Virgo astrology traits include being dedicated, resourceful, helpful, hardworking and witty. They are not afraid to speak their minds and voice their opinions. A Virgo can become anxious when they criticize themselves and others to the point of obsession.

Libra (23 September - 23 October)

Libra astrology traits include leadership, initiative, balance and a strong sense of justice. They are not afraid to speak up for what they believe is right. Libras become upset when their relationships are out of equilibrium. This is a sign that needs scales to be weighed evenly.

Scorpio (24 October - 22 November)

Scorpio astrology traits include magnetism, passionate, loyal and protective. They are not afraid to cut ties with a relationship at the drop of a hat if they feel like they can no longer trust a person. A Scorpio has little patience for simple-minded people. This is a sign that also needs to have complete and total control of a situation.

Sagittarius (23 November - 21 December)

Sagittarius astrology traits include being honest, fair-minded, inspiring, enthusiastic, encouraging and dedicated. They are not afraid to speak their truth. As the zodiac’s optimist, Sagittarius becomes annoyed when they hear words, “I can’t.” This is a sign that believes anything is possible.

Capricorn (22 December - 20 January)

Chief among the traits of a Capricorn is their fierce drive for success. Capricorns are strong-minded and mature and they are always on their A-game. They are competitive and love challenges. A Capricorn is incredibly disciplined and will always ensure that a project, no matter how big or small, is seen through to its completion.

Aquarius (21 January - 18 February)

Aquarius astrology traits include communication, originality, open-mindedness, fairness, logical and inviting. They are not afraid to speak up for what they believe. Aquarius becomes upset when they feel wronged in some way or when a friend or loved one has been hurt or offended. This friendship-focused sign has no tolerance for injustice.

Pisces (19 February - 20 March)

Pisces astrology traits include being soft and romantic, helpful, wise, comforting and imaginative. They have a soothing voice, and love long walks on the beach and romantic poems and love letters. Pisces can become upset when reality bursts their bubble. This is a sign that literally wants to live in a dream-like state.

Thank you for reading this article. Hope this will be helpful. Have a nice day.


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