5 signs of fake people you should avoid right now

There are some people out there who walk with a real man attitude but actually they are not. They are always ready for making you miserable at any cost. It is very difficult to understand the pattern of their behavior. But still there are some signs to know about these types of people. In this article, you will learn about these 5 types of people and how to spot them.

1) They say bad things about other people

Similar to gossip, saying bad things about other people is a great way to distract from their own crap lives make you think that they have their acts together. They spit out some bullshit about someone and you chase after that information trying to validate it instead of trying to validate their story.  

2) Frequently changed behavior

They are nice one second and bitter and mean the next second. This is a real sign that someone is fake because it takes a lot of time and energy to keep up a fake persona. This usually starts to crack after a while and simple conversations or events can set someone off that shows their true colors.

3) They don’t listen when you talk

Oh sure, they pretend to listen but they are on their phones, updating statuses and talking someone else while they are right in front of you. They don’t actually listen when they are not on their phone either.

4) They are only around when it’s convenient for them

You might never hear from that friend on the street again until they need something from you. They might call and ask you for a favor or they might call and ask you to join them to gain what they want.

5) They talk about you behind your back

It stings when you find out that someone has been talking about you behind your back, especially when it is someone you thought was your friend.  Of course, we never really know any one; only what they allow us to see. But we hope that most people are genuine in their portrayal of themselves and their friendships. Sometimes, though, we are wrong.

So these are the signs of a fake person you should get rid of, in order to have a healthy and peaceful life. So take the hints and move on.

And THANK YOU for reading this article. Have a wonderful life.


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